
Posted on Leave a commentPosted in Music, piano

I’ve been working on new music and here it is. These pieces are a combination of piano and electronic sounds, and I’ve called them Themes. The titles refer to when they were composed/improvised. (My method of composition is basically straight improvisation, with very few tweaks afterwords.) I think, after listening to them, that they do reflect the mood of our times: uncertainty and hope. We need to stay as positive as possible. That is my own feeling!


Jim Boorman




A Year of Piano Improv–1

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This is the first new batch of improvised piano pieces I created this past year. They are quite varied, but also as I listen to them there are themes that occur and re-occur. Some are at home with tradition, and some break with tradition. As always, for me, it is important to keep exploring and trying to ways to express myself musically.



“Life Is Art”: Art Life–Music

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Here is the music part of this “Life Is Art” project. I worked on both music and poems at the same time, and decided to separate them, rather than have a poem precede each piece of music. There is a bit of a “Jim Boormanism” in all this. After I came up with the title of the project (this went through several iterations), I realized the multiple meanings a la punism. Punctuation is very important (remember “Eats, Shoots, and Leaves”!). So, I like the idea that the title is a bit of a cliche about life and art, but you can also read it as a quotation from the person, Art Life, who perhaps, is a bit of a narcissist:>)

Some of these pieces are long (longest about 12 minutes), so be forewarned! Make a cup of tea and imbibe the vibe.

“Life Is Art”: Music



Posted on Leave a commentPosted in Life, Music, piano, rock/jazz/blues fusion

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. The world seems to have turned upside down in the meantime, but I continue to write songs and improvise instrumentals. Here is my latest offering, on the theme of Waystations. I like the word, as it feels like those off ramps from the main road of life, that we choose to explore and learn from.

Hope you enjoy!


Waystation One


Waystation Two

Waystation Three